See the future…

I don’t know who wrote the code for MS Word’s spelling and grammar check, but I’m pretty sure they don’t actually know anything about grammar. Or spelling. Dictionary words are quite frequently not in Word’s dictionary.

Do you have any idea how many times I write grammer before I spell it grammar?



I type “Is it true?

Word tries to convince me it’s supposed to be “Am it true?

NO, WORD, it am not true.

Also, Word does not know the proper use of its and it’s because it is constantly trying to correct it to the other regardless of how I use it.

It doesn’t like my usage of the name DuFresne and always wants to change it to deferens. We’re not talking vasectomies, WORD.

It keeps trying to correct lied to laid and that just makes for an entirely different story I hadn’t planned on writing.

And don’t even get me started on SENTENCE FRAGMENTS.

Word: Fragment (consider revising)

Consider revising.

Could you please be more general?

Also, I’m pretty sure Word’s definition of fragment is not at all the same as the actual definition of fragment.

Two sentences, nearly identical.

I love you.

Word: has no problem with this

I love you, Katie.

Word: Fragment! Fragment! Fragment!

Are you just fucking with me? How does making the sentence more specific turn it into a fragment?

You keep using that word.

I do not think it means what you think it means.

It aren’t that hard.

(Red Vs Blue season 4 Episode 6: The Hard Stop)

Shut Up and Dance
Walk the Moon

Something to say?