Collect it at the borderline…

Last summer I got the bug in my brain to try my hand at Project 365. I started a blog, I took pictures, I posted them [almost] everyday. And while a lot of them (okay, most of them) were uninspired hooey, I kept it up. I’ve managed to keep taking pictures, but I’ve gone through long bouts of slacking off on actually posting the pictures. Right now the dedicated blog is sitting about two months behind on posts and I’m probably that far behind at organizing the corresponding pictures as well. I’m surprised I even have them downloaded off my camera to be perfectly honest.

Looking at the calendar, I realized that I’m closing in on the END of this particular span of 365 days, and I should probably get my act together and catch up on my picture posting. And then decide if I want to do this again.

I think I do.

Even though I completely suck at it.

I’m thinking of taking a slightly different approach to it this time. What that might be, I haven’t quite figured out yet, but maybe by the time this round ends and I pick up a new round, I’ll have it figured out. Or maybe not. Who knows? I should probably come up with some sort of theme, other than, “What stuffed animal in my bedroom that I never leave should I take a picture of today?”

Because nobody is interested in looking at those pictures.

Not even me.

At least not after more than a week.

No matter how much I love Eeyore.

The High Road
Broken Bells

Something to say?