Throw me out like water…

I’m having a hard time liking WordPress. I’m failing to see how it’s so “superior” to everything else like I’ve seen so many people claim. Also, if you’re going to go all, “ZOMG UPDATE YOUR THEME OR YOUR BLOG WILL IMPLODE ZOMG DOOOEEET!!!” on me, don’t override my stylesheet. Because that’s just going to piss me off. It’ll piss me off far more than it should, but it’s going to piss me off nonetheless and not help your case at all.

Because I’m crabby like that.

Sheila the GPS doesn’t know how to handle roundabouts. “Turn right, then turn left, then turn right.” Also, roundabouts are an incredibly stupid traffic invention only asking for crashes to happen because people are too stupid to know how to properly use them. Fortunately this particular roundabout was out in Bumfuck, Egypt, so there wasn’t any other cars driving through it at the time—only a pack of geese standing in the middle of the road on our way home I had to jam on my brakes for and wait for them to mosey out of my way.

We drove home from Lisa & Rob’s Saturday night in a rain storm that rivaled a powerful car wash. Holy torrential downpour, Batman. We also saw some douchebag driving a black car, doing about 70mph, in the rain, in the dark, WITH NO HEADLIGHTS ON. The only reason I saw him was because he turned his signal on as he came barreling up on my ass and moved into the left lane to pass me. There is never a cop around when you need one.

I rolled over 60,000 miles on my car Saturday night. Not bad considering I’ve had my car for almost eight years.

I have a lot of things I want to write about. I just wish I could get them out of my head with some semblance of coherence.

ETA 2022…

Twelve years later, I have no idea why that picture is only 158×122 pixels. I cannot fathom why I would shrink it so small. I know I was using a computer with a smaller resolution, but not THAT MUCH smaller. Here’s a bigger version. Because clearly it’s very important.

Thriving Ivory

Something to say?