Why the wait?

It’s a little over a month now until our first wedding anniversary. Bob and I have been talking about how we plan to celebrate this landmark occasion. We haven’t really come up with anything concrete as of yet, but it will be “us” whatever we do. Dinner and geekery are the most likely of suspects. Bob has been wanting to upgrade the power supply in his computer since he got it. It came with a… Keep reading…Why the wait?

Broke into the old apartment…

I have this…cache…of story projects deemed “Never See the Light of Day.” It’s named as such because they are all completely inane plans that tend to border on a touch weird. At least in my mind. I don’t quite know how to explain them. And I have no intention of ever actually sharing them with anyone else because they’re just…no. It’s mostly random conversation snippets that crop up in my head between given characters, but… Keep reading…Broke into the old apartment…

Lighting up the wrong way…

I read this article posted today over on BlogHer and it really irked me. It really rubbed me the wrong way. I want to comment on it, but I can’t come up with something that is (a.) coherent and (b.) not bitchy. Part B is the really difficult part. Can Pills Make You Smarter? … People are taking ADHD drugs despite not having ADHD to give them an “edge” so-to-speak. And I want to start… Keep reading…Lighting up the wrong way…

There and back again…

This is what $90 looks like. It doesn’t amount to much. The SEVEN blue pills were $45 alone. The other 30 pills were another $45. Because they are a name brand prescription. Federated Insurance is FABULOUSLY CRAPTASTIC insurance. Remind me that $90 is better than $290.18. Because that’s what I would have paid WITHOUT the insurance. Being crazy is expensive. This one? Is Strattera. “But wait a minute…” You might be saying… “Didn’t we already… Keep reading…There and back again…