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I’m pretty sure someone spilled an entire bottle of cheap cologne in the hallway outside my bedroom door. What the holy hell? At least it’s not freaking Polo. *GAG* Whatever it is, it’s only 6:30 in the morning and my gag reflex is not responding well to the stench. At all.

If I ever get pregnant, I am completely SCREWED when it comes to smells. I can’t handle them now. What am I going to do if I have the nose of a bloodhound?

The Snuggie Macarena commercials have GOT. TO. STOP. And the Snuggie centerfold? Crossing the line.

I’m still plugging away on the latest story project. Slowly. However, it’s still just a haphazard mess of scenes and conversations. I haven’t figured out the proper beginning yet. I don’t think I’ve ever been this blank on an opening before. I can usually come up with something, even if it’s kind of crap.

Making my main character in that story a photographer was probably a mistake. It really hasn’t been helping my pining for a new camera in the least. The one that I want would only cost me about a year’s worth of prescription money. If I wasn’t so crazy in the head, I could spend my drug money on that! Yes? ALLOW ME MY DELUSIONS!

Listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack makes me want to marathon Gerard Butler movies. He is just so very, pretty.

And just when I thought I’d never have to hear it again…The Studio song.

You’re welcome.

Something to say?