Year One…

One year ago today I married the love of my life. I started out writing something entirely different about us and our relationship, but it turned in a direction I didn’t want. Maybe it’s something I could write for another day. But not today.

Our tiny wedding ceremony might have excluded a lot of people, but it was perfect for US. We had the wedding we wanted.

If there is anything I feel like I might have missed out on by not having a “traditional” wedding, it was not having a “first dance” with my husband. Though that was something both of us kind of dreaded the prospect of when we were contemplating what type of wedding we were going to have. Two people who suffer severe social anxiety, both of which are rhythmically challenged, can barely handle slow dancing without stepping on each other’s toes, being the sole occupants of the dance floor and center of attention for the duration of an entire song? Cue panic attack on one or both our parts.

We are both incredibly happy with the way we did things, both with the wedding ceremony and our party later on. If we really wanted to, we could always stage our own “first dance” to our song away from prying eyes so we can be as awkward and geeky as we want to be. I could even throw my dress on. But not the shoes. I could never dance in 3-inch heels. I could barely walk in them when I wore them. I’d break my neck trying to dance in them.

For years I always thought Angel Eyes by the Jeff Healey Band would be the perfect first dance song. It even fits us in a lot of ways. But then along came a song that just became “US” from the first time we listened to it together. The Way I Am by Ingrid Michaelson. If we had, had a first dance at our wedding, that would have been our song.

Happy Anniversary, Robert. You are my everything and I love you more than the world.

Something to say?