That’s what wrenches are for…

I have an impossible time sitting down to watch movies. I just don’t have the attention span for them most days. Just the idea of sitting down to watch a movie usually makes me want to bang my head against the wall. Because it’s like being told I’m required to sit absolutely still for the next two hours.


Actually I know why—sort of—I just wish I had more control over it at this point. And spare me any meditative, mind-over-matter hooey because YOU DON’T ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT UNLESS YOU’VE BEEN INSIDE MY HEAD.


I sat down and watched a movie last night.

Bob lured me in with the promise of Gerard Butler and I had the desire to cuddle with my husband (and some Eeyores), so it was a win for both of us. He didn’t let me keep the Eeyores in the bed for very long though. Bear can only tolerate so much Donkey intrusion before the Ass gets the boot. He’s possessive of his wife like that.


We watched Law Abiding Citizen. Bob figured the general premise wasn’t really my style of movie, but I’d probably be distracted enough by the pretty not to care. And we could cuddle at the same time. The first five minutes of the movie were disturbing and depressing and then the next twenty minutes or so were all—what the HOLY HELL, GERARD BUTLER!? And then shortly thereafter, for some unexplained reason, he took off all his clothes and we saw his bare ass. And then there was this scene and the rest of the movie was kind of a mind game and weird and we predicted parts of it and others were a little—WUH?—until they got explained. Plus one character that never got explained at all. And there were several other moments of—WHAT THE HOLY HELL—thrown in for good measure.

It wasn’t too bad of a movie I guess. Though definitely not for the weak heart types. At least not the first half hour. The rest isn’t nearly as graphic, but…yeah. o.O Not at all what we expected by the description of the movie.

Something to say?