I’ll take you on…

It’s November 1st…there are so many things wrong with that statement I don’t even know where to begin.

I suppose now that I’ve finished the whole 30 Days of Blogging thing, I’ll have to start writing real blog posts again. Again? *snirk* Yeah. I know. I laughed too.

Modern code for homes is to have all smoke detectors hardwired into the electrical system with a battery backup. (As opposed to just being battery operated.) Also—all of the smoke detectors are wired together. So when one goes off…they ALL go off. This is FANTASTIC when the smoke detector downstairs is stupidly placed too close to the kitchen and goes off every time it gets the tiniest bit smokey when someone is cooking…ANYTHING. For the love of all things holy you should be able to MAKE FREAKING TOAST WITHOUT SETTING OFF THE GADDAMN SMOKE ALARM. But NOOOOOOOOOO.

The smoke detector in the upstairs hallway also yells, “FIRE! FIRE!” As if the high-pitched shrieking of the alarms downstairs and in every bedroom weren’t enough. Well, as it turns out…when the backup battery needs to be replaced…that same talking smoke detector…CHIRPS all shrieky-like and yells, “LOW BATTERY!” in intervals that range from every 30 seconds, to a minute, to a couple minutes, to five minutes, to ten minutes…how ever often it damn well feels like announcing to the house…IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT…that we are sorely lacking in 9-volt batteries around here.

In other news…I’m not going to be sleeping tonight because the fucking smoke detector is going to announce every five seconds that it has a, “SHRIEK! LOW BATTERY!”

I’m kind of crabby. I have been for the past week. I will be for the next week. It’s the joys of being a woman. And by “joys” I mean, I’m about to start hucking rocks at people just for breathing near me. Because I don’t have the power to smite people. Smiting idiots would be a full-time job. One I would gladly take on. LOW BATTERY! But nobody will let me do it. Dammit all anyway.

I need to dig out one of the iPods so I can listen to music in bed at night. It would be much easier to stay in bed at night if I had music to listen to. And I wouldn’t disturb Bob if I used an iPod with headphones. I just need to remember where I put them. Then it would be a matter of charging and filling with music. A wipe out and clean fill would probably be a good idea. I haven’t used either one of them since we moved, so I don’t even know what kind of music would be on either one of them. LOW BATTERY! Mine probably doesn’t have much for a battery life anymore. It was tanking in that department when I last used it. It’s been sitting so long, it’s probably lost even more life. My iPod is such a dinosaur…it has HARD DRIVE in it. It’s one of the original models. But hey—I didn’t pay for it. Bob’s at least has a solid state drive. I don’t know what the battery life is like in his. I didn’t use it much when I did use it. At least not for playing music. I played Solitaire on it. If I had one functioning right now, I could drown out the, LOW BATTERY!

It’s almost 2AM. I should really try to go to bed. Again. I already tried that once tonight. That was before the LOW BATTERY! started. I wasn’t tired then. I’m not tired now. My sleep is all turned around again. If I ever get that appointment made, I’m going to have to address my sleep issues with my psychiatrist. I don’t know what the answer is. I just know it is NOT Ambien. That shit did not work. Surprise, surprise. A drug that didn’t work on me? Really? No way!

I really need to quit writing these train wreck posts.



Something to say?