
Sleep? What’s this sleep you speak of?

My ears feel weird. We stopped into Kay for my six-month ring cleaning and added my earrings into the mix to get them onto the same schedule. I also had them take a look at one earring in particular because it doesn’t latch as tight as the others. It gets knocked loose far too easily and I’m terrified I’m going to lose it somewhere. They had to send it out to get it adjusted, so I am down one pair of earrings for a week or so while it is out for repair. My ears feel weird and off with only one pair of earrings. I could substitute with one of my cheap pairs, but that would just look odd, so I’ll be without. At least I still have one pair in that time. And it’s not nearly as bad as being without my ring for all that time. *SOB* THAT is a miserable time—being without my ring?! Oh panic and woe!

I have a lot of shit I need to get done. I’m not making any progress on this list of things that are kind of a priority. This is not news, I just need to put it into print to help emphasize my frustration with this fact. Because FRUSTRATION is the word of the day. And I’m about to start stabbing shit with blunt objects.

I’m listening to O-Town. Remember O-Town? Do any of those guys still have a career? HA! Right. I’m still on this awesomely bad pop music kick. For a group whose target audience was fourteen-year-old girls they sure do have an awful lot of songs that are blatantly sexual. Which I guess, in retrospect is not that surprising considering all that Lord Pearlman was exposed for. *shudder* That guy is in jail isn’t he? If he isn’t, he should be.

Next week is Thanksgiving. What. The. Hell?

There’s a certain…day…this week I’m trying to forget about. People keep bringing it up. Why must people keep bringing it up?

We made a trip to Costco for some things today…yesterday? it’s freaking two in the morning now…we picked up eight pounds of butter and ten pounds of sugar to help stock up Marci with supplies for her annual cookie baking bonanza she’ll be embarking on in a couple of weeks. Hot damn, I can’t wait. Marci makes awesome cookies.

Completely out of context, this is one of the funniest damn things I’ve seen in a long time.

(Punching Cage in a bear suit)

Something to say?