Somewhere in the sands of time…

I’ve been trying to write this…scene in my current story project. It hasn’t been working out very well. It keeps coming out all awkward and wrong and it just feels weird and off. I decided to go back to an old project to where I wrote a similar (but altogether different) scenario to see how I’d written that one. It gave me a few ideas, but it still didn’t help the awkwardness of the current one—I think it’s just the particular characters involved this time around.

But it also got me thinking on that old story plan.

It’s a plan I started roughly six years ago and I’ve been kicking around off and on for a long time. I keep going back to it because I’ve always thought it held potential to actually be a decent story if I had my ducks properly aligned. After seeking out that one scene to reference for my current project, I went back and read through most of what I have written for that story. I was surprised by what I read. It’s a lot better than I remember it being. Especially considering most of it was written a good five years ago. But I’ve been mulling over the details of the plan for several days now and I think I’m ready to go back to it again. There are a few things I need to rework, that needed to be reworked before, but I really want to work on this project again. I’m still as completely in love with the core characters as I was when I first created them. That has never been the case with any other project that refuses to die. I think that speaks volumes for this one.

Of course I’m not setting aside the other projects I’ve been working on. I can never work on just one at a time. But it’s definitely time to bring this one back into play.

3 Doors Down

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