Words without a sound…

There is too much going on in my head right now. I can tell my stress levels are spiking (moreso than usual at least) just by reading my Twitter stream. It’s inundated with my latest fixations and excessive f-bombs. How is this different than any other day? Really, I’m not sure, but I do believe there is an actual increase.

Bob said it best, my Twitter stream is really just a conversation with myself. I don’t tweet to entertain other people. I tweet to entertain myself. If people don’t like what I post, they have a scroll bar they can use. Or a big red X in the corner of their screen.


There’s too much going on in my head right now.

It’s already March. At the end of this month we turn in our sixty day notice to vacate this property. And two months after that—we move. This is going to be both the longest and shortest three months of my life. I. CAN’T. WAIT. TO. MOVE. But holy Christmas there’s a lot of crap I need to accomplish between now and then. And while three months should be plenty of time to get it all done—my horseshit brain functionality (or lack thereof) is going to be the biggest obstacle. (It just took me six tries to spell obstacle correctly. Seriously.)

I NEED to get this room cleaned before I pack it up to move. I do not want to just chuck shit into boxes two days before we move and still be scrambling to get shit into plastic bags as stuff is being loaded into the moving truck the day we move out like last time. Granted last time we were moving on a much shorter time scale out of a place even more strapped for space. But still. Things are going to be different this time. I have a much clearer picture of what it’s actually like to move and it’s going to be different. And we’re going to have enough boxes. Because we’re going to BUY THEM. We still don’t have furniture, but we have a lot more crap to move than we did last time. But we’ll be moving into OUR OWN PLACE with SPACE TO PUT THINGS.

In other news…instead of being productive…I write, listen to music, play Minecraft, watch Red vs Blue and fixate on everything I SHOULD be doing instead. While wishing I could maintain a normal sleep schedule, but no matter how hard I try, it just won’t work.

All For You
Sister Hazel

Something to say?