
MS Word keeps a running word count of a given document in the bottom corner of the screen. I know it’s not entirely accurate as it seems to count every so many spaces as words, but I figure it can’t be that far off from the actual numbers.

I have a story document sitting at 78 pages and roughly 32,000 words. It was created December 5, 2010. I’ve been working on it off and on for ten months.

I’d call this a victory, but it’s not a real story. It has no actual plot, no defined direction, no real structure. There is a specific group of characters but it’s just a hodgepodge of conversations written in no particular order. Some of the writing is not half bad. A lot of it is crap. I have no intention of ever turning it into a proper story. It will always be a convoluted mess. There are additional scenes written in other Word documents, off-shoots of the main…theme. They’re still part of the same “story” but for whatever reason, I felt the need to give them their own file. Collectively those tally around 24,000 words.

I’ve written roughly 56,000 words on this “never see the light of day” project.

I’ve written a novel’s worth of text. In ten months.

Considering my track record with writing, I suppose that counts for something.

Something to say?