
I just deleted 24 spam comments from my filter. Of those 24 comments, 15 of them were all for the same post. When I do a mass-delete of spam comments, the majority of the comments are for that exact post. I have no idea what possible keyword in that post causes it to garner so much spam, but it’s very bizarre.

Also, people need a fucking hobby. Write a bot that’s useful mmmkay? Or go spam somebody else.

I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but I am probably the most graceful person on the planet.

And by graceful, I mean hapless klutz with a FUBAR’d equilibrium. I have a tendency to stumble and sway like I’m completely drunk, when in fact I am stone-cold sober.

I’m good like that.

Yesterday I was walking down the stairs and in my infinite grace, my foot slipped and I slid down a few stairs before I managed to just drop down hard on my ass on a step. I gripped the railing for dear life and when I realized I was no longer falling, I stood up and proceeded the remainder of the way downstairs. I had some rug-burn on the knuckle of my pinky finger (because obviously), but was otherwise unharmed.

You know, aside from the fact that I felt like a complete dumbass for falling down the stairs. But there were no witnesses. Aside from Bob, who only heard the ruckus of my fall. I totally could have lied and said Tucker did it. But I kind of think Bob wouldn’t believe me on that.

Today I was laying in bed with my computer, as I do, and I realized the muscle in my left leg was incredibly sore. It felt like I’d strained it exercising or something. Which is not the case. It took me awhile to figure it out, but I must have wrenched something when I fell on the stairs yesterday.

Clearly I am the most talented person you know.

Something to say?