Alone would suit me just fine…

It’s 6:40 on a Saturday morning.

I haven’t slept.

I am currently not tired.

My brain is completely WIRED.

Part of me thinks I could just stay awake all day. But the other part of me knows I’ll hit a wall about mid-morning and crash.

So I sit and debate what I should do.

And curse my inability to maintain a human sleep schedule.

And possibly keep hitting play on a couple of songs that just never get old.

2 thoughts on “Alone would suit me just fine…

  1. Jesse just downloaded the Star Wars the Old Republic free trial, on both his and my pc and Jesse likes it alot and I think its ok, kind of like wow but star wars, I dont have much interest or time to play but when I do have time, skyrim is better for me, its almost like a hike outdoors which is the sort of thing that relaxes me and you dont have to group with others, so I like it better :-).

Something to say?