Reading into every word you say…

I had something I planned to write. And as soon as I opened the blank draft…gone.

Should probably take that as a cue to just close the tab and forget about it for now, but I’ve never been one to apply logic to blogging.

I should probably also go back and tally up the number of posts that start with that same sentiment or a variation thereof.

I repeat myself. You may have noticed. My short term memory may or may not actually exist. I suppose it exists…it’s just not fully operational most of the time.

I’m finding myself writing a lot of side story, future story, and back story on the current project. Stuff that really doesn’t play a significant part in the story itself. Some of it probably contradicts what’s actually in the story. But hey, whatever. I’m still writing.

Still writing.

I suppose I should be used to this detail by now, or learn to just accept the fact that I haven’t lost my momentum. Or at the very least shut up about it. Dead horses, blah, blah, blah. We all know how I feel about dead horses. And we’re all sick of hearing about said dead horses.

The way I see it…the two primary players in this project of mine have a highly dysfunctional relationship that no one can quite explain (par for the course). Writing out back story of their dysfunctionality can only serve to help me better understand WTF is wrong with them. There is no shortage of unnecessary D!R!A!M!A! between these two, believe you me. There’s a very predictable formula to my writing. I am quite well aware of this. But if I can diagnose their crazy (because if I understand anything, it’s the crazy) anybody else who reads it (and that’s probably never gonna happen) just might be able to understand what the hell is happening here.

Or maybe not.

Who knows?

In the meantime I have this song drumming through my head nonstop.

Bob showed me this video of five people playing one guitar and then I looked up the original version of the song…for which the video is…bzuh?

(Somebody That I Used to Know by Walk off the Earth)

(Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye)

Somebody That I Used to Know

Something to say?