
A watched pot never boils…”

More like: “A watched website never updates…”

Only it does.

Just not with the information you want or need.

We submitted a purchase agreement on a house. They came back with a counter-offer. We knew they would. They countered with exactly what we knew they would. So we signed off on the counter offer. That should mean an accepted purchase agreement. But we have heard nothing. And there have been no updates on the MLS listing to state there is an offer contingent on the property.

In the meantime, the house we were trying to buy has gone from “pending” to “back on the market” to “offer contingent” in the same amount of time.

Just that fast.

I hope they’re not trying to get an FHA loan. Because they’re not going to get the house if they are.

I just want to hear something on this house we’re currently trying to get.

I need to know if I’m going to have a place to live in six weeks.

Otherwise I need to start finding an apartment I’m not going to hate.

Something to say?