Population: Me…

It occurs to me that I have no idea what the population of the city I live in actually is.

There are three cities that all have the same zip code and all of them have the exact same population number on their city-limit signs.

So combining the three there are 18-some thousand people? Is that what that means? But how many are just in my city?

This is the type of crap my mind comes up with after little more than two hours of sleep.

Well…if we’re being realistic, this is the type of crap my mind comes up with regardless of the amount of sleep I’ve had.

My mind is full of crap, leaving no room for anything useful.

So according to the Geospatial Information Office section of the state website, the three cities in question all have different population numbers than what is posted on the city-limit signs and my city has the lowest of them all at 17,966 as of 2009. Combined the three have 72,536.


There you have it.

But it still doesn’t explain why all the signs have the same population.

Or why all three cities have the same flipping zip code.

Or why the post office “corrected” the city on our mail for the last place we lived from one city to another (from the right one to the wrong one, no less)…all under the same zip code.

There is no room for logic anywhere.

Stop trying to find it.

Something to say?