Thoughts get tangled…

It has been 18 days since I smashed my foot with a Vita Rain bottle. It is not visibly bruised anymore, but I can definitely still feel it when I bump or apply pressure to the spot. Which is fine, I suppose, except for the fact that I am constantly hitting that spot.

I’ve been awake since 2-something. I managed to wake up just before it started storming last night. I was laying in bed deluding myself that I could get back to sleep when, if I didn’t know better, I could have sworn someone flashed a camera inches from my face. But no, it was just lightening. Which was then followed by a crack of thunder that almost knocked me out of bed. I knew at that point my sleep was blown so I got up.

I stayed up when Bob left for work because I thought I was going to have to play chauffeur to the recently graduated brother-in-law, but got a call around 9:30 saying my services were not needed because an alternative mode of transportation had been arranged. I am not arguing. I don’t want to go outside today. It might only be 75 degrees right now, but it’s 78% humidity and humidity gets along with my lungs about as well as cats and cigarette smoke. So. I call it a win.

Maybe I’ll take a nap.

My writing has been sputtering and stalling on my two main projects and I’ve been incredibly frustrated with my lack of progress. I’m not sure what the problem is in either situation, but I’m not happy with it.

I suppose on the upside there is a new plan that has the gears turning. I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do with it. It’s not exactly material for a complete story, but that is usually the case when ideas get spawned from something that happened in some crack-induced dream, no matter how far of a departure it ends up being from the original idea. It’s writing though. I’ll take it.

This drivel on the other hand…I can’t promise coherency or anything even close.

Then again, I never do.

It’s kind of my “thing” around here.

In the meantime, I press play again on the latest album in heavy rotation by a one Andy Grammer.

I suspect he’s kind of a nerd.

Which just makes him that much more adorable.

Keep Your Head Up
Andy Grammer

Something to say?