Title of post…

Friday morning I called to make an appointment for my out of control blood pressure. After having to specify to the receptionist, more than once, my desire to see my regular doctor, she transferred me back to talk to a nurse about my BP woes. My doctor was out of the office and is booked completely until the following Friday. The nurse thought I should be seen ASAP so she scheduled me with some physician’s assistant I’d never heard of. I looked her up on the clinic website and deduced that this PA is likely YOUNGER THAN ME. Hello, Complete Lack of Experience.

I was planning on going to see my mom anyway, so an impromptu appointment wasn’t as much of a shock to the system as it could have been. It was nine-something in the morning, my appointment wasn’t until 2PM. I had time to get used to the idea.

I was hooked up to a digital BP monitor and it registered…something terrible…consistent with what it has been for the past week. Then the nurse set a timer and left the room. The machine proceeded to check my BP three more times taking a minute break in between each. It then averaged the three and gave a reading that was terrible and consistent with the past week. The nurse left with the machine and the PA came in the room. She asked me questions and typed things into the computer as I answered, but I got the strong impression she wasn’t actually paying attention to what I was saying. Especially when I had to re-explain some things more than once. She seemed to gloss over many points I was talking about. She listened to my heart and lungs, gave me a prescription for Atenolol—the same dosage I used to take—and sent me to the lab for blood work. One tube of blood taken—by IGOR (no really, that’s his actual name). For the first time in five years, the tech actually had a problem finding a vein. He jabbed at my left arm (with his finger, not a needle) and then tried my right arm. He said he would “try” what he found. Nice vote of confidence there. I have no problem with needles or blood draws, so I sat and watched him stab me…and proceed to turn the needle into place. Visually it looked horrendous. Physically I actually felt nothing other than the initial jab of the needle. Igor is good at what he does. After that I was on my way.

I was wholly unimpressed with this physician’s assistant. I wouldn’t choose to see her again. I’ve never had a good experience with PAs or nurse practitioners. Or women doctors in general. Aside from my psychiatrist, I’ve never had a good experience with a doctor or pseudo-equivalent of the female persuasion. They’re always condescending and inattentive. I’ve always been more comfortable with men doctors. So because this PA seemed more interested in getting me out the door than listening to me, I didn’t bring up any other problems I wanted to address. I’ll see how this medication pans out and then decide whether or not I want to go back anytime soon for my other issues.

Actually, I’m more likely to decide when I when I see how much our shitty insurance does not cover. Because I have no idea what anything costs because I’ve been avoiding appointments that are not physicals since we switched to this insurance because I don’t want ridiculous doctor bills to contend with.

I took my first pill Saturday morning. About the same time I checked my BP. It was terrible. Later I was sitting at my desk and decided to check my pulse and it was only in the mid-60s. Completely different from what it has been. It’s been consistently 80 to 100-something while this has been going on. I decided to check my BP again and it was down to 118/80. Wait…what? Does Atenolol work that fast? I was told it would take about a week to notice a difference. Apparently a few hours was enough to make a dent? I don’t know.

I’ll keep checking daily for awhile and see how it holds up. It was up this morning when I checked it, but down from what it has been. I’ll check it again later and see what I get.

In the meantime…meh.

I’m tired. As I have been. For a solid week.

I’ll edit the multitude of typos later.

2 thoughts on “Title of post…

  1. I thought about you today at church because the pastor was wearing red chucks of all things- a white button down, black vest, black jeans and red chucks! Omg, I thought he looked silly~

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