Sunshine Soldier…

Andy Grammer. Remember when I had about seventy-five embarrassing posts in a row babbling incessantly about this guy? Yeah. He still holds a prominent place in my music-obsessed heart. When we saw him live last year, he played a new song called The Good Parts. It was just him and his piano and it was magic.     I’ll admit it. I cried the first time I listened to this thing. (Nevermind I cry at… Keep reading…Sunshine Soldier…

Standing in the dark…

It’s offensive-something-o’clock in the middle of the night and I’m sitting at my desk in the dark with a mug of room-temperature tea. As I’m writing this, the oldest post on the main page of ye olde blog is my Year in Review survey for 2016. Which means I’ve only published ten posts in 2017. If I actually post this one, it will finally push that one to the next page. But still. That’s pathetic…. Keep reading…Standing in the dark…