It’s just another summer…

I cut the corner of my finger off with a kitchen scissors while opening a package of tofu. You heard me. It’s not nearly as bad as it sounds, but there was a lot of blood and I had to completely stop everything else I was doing to bandage my stupidity and find the missing piece of my finger so it didn’t end up in dinner. Small as it was, it was a rather impressive… Keep reading…It’s just another summer…

Making it a slow night…

Back in my days of Live Journal living, I had half a dozen side journals I played around with. (Give or take. I can’t remember without looking it up and I’m lazy.) On one of them I posted random pictures and my weekly stats. I tried to recreate that with a subdomain here a few years ago, but it sputtered out pretty fast because I kept forgetting about it. (See also: Lazy) So far… Keep reading…Making it a slow night…