Look a little bit older…

Three posts in the same month?

Don’t get too excited now. I’m just working through my Year In Review bullshit and we’ll be back to my normal bullshit in no time.

Week 41

I think. Or the top of 42. Depending on what day I finally hit publish. Whatever.

It’s January. It’s a new year. It’s the same shit on a different date.

We had sixteen days of vacation, doing our usual of avoiding people, staying up too late, sleeping in, eating too many snacks, playing video games, and being US.

And now it’s back to reality and WOOF that re-entry is always rough.

It also doesn’t help that insomnia is back and Bob has to actually go into work this week for things that can’t be done remotely and I am a spoiled, whiny, little bitch about it.


Basil has been caught in an infinite loop of Whatif-ing with the current, ongoing story monstrosity, and while it [mostly] keeps me writing, it certainly doesn’t have me writing anything good. It could be argued that none of it is any good, but there are definitely pieces that I really love about this particular clusterfuck, and I think it holds a good amount of promise if I could figure out exactly what it is I want to do with it. The over-arcing story spans a solid decade-plus in the lives of these people, but in order to tell the full story I want to tell, it’s going to either need some creative time jumps or it will need to be broken down into smaller pieces so it’s not thousands of pages of one single story.

The odds of me finishing this thing are about as high as any other story I write. It’s not an impossibility, but it sure as shit ain’t likely. But I don’t go into any project [anymore] thinking, I’m going to FINISH THIS. Every story I start, I go in with the mindset of throw it at the wall, see what sticks, and see how far we get. It’s not conducive to that lofty goal of publishing a book, but I know my fucked up brain well enough to know that putting constraints on my writing is a one-way track to NOT WRITING ANYTHING.

Someday it will click into place. And that will bring about a whole new set of problems. But we’ll burn that bridge when we get there.

In the meantime, Ryan is helping me figure shit out. And by helping, I mean, blocking my keyboard and being a general pain in the ass, because he has to stay true to his namesake.


You heard me.

Top 10 Most Played Artists for December 2020…


2.) Fall Out Boy 516 plays

3.) The Young Veins 464 plays

4.) Matt Nathanson 432 plays

5.) The Killers 382 plays

6.) Parachute 200 plays

7.) Tonic 191 plays

8.) O.A.R. 124 plays

9.) Brandon Flowers 121 plays

10.) Splender 104 plays

Honorable mention: Panic! at the Disco, Nine Days, Ingram Hill, Andy Grammer, Darren Criss, The Police, Patrick Stump, Ryan Ross, Billy Joel, Keri Noble, Survivor

Total of 3,535 plays of 857 tracks from 104 albums by 23 artists.

For Reasons Unknown
The Killers

Something to say?