Stray stream of light…


Week 138. Because whatever.

Somehow it’s November.

Already? or Only? depends on the day.

Or hour.

Minute to minute really.

It’s also 76 degrees. In November. In Minnesota. That’s not normal.

I changed my blog theme. It’s nearly identical to my old theme. (It was designed by the same person.) But there are some subtle formatting bits that I liked better. I’m still tweaking settings and pieces of custom CSS and I had Bob help me fix some php parts because php is WAY over my head. I finally changed the home page to show excerpts instead of full posts because I suddenly got very annoyed with scrolling my own walls of text. (It only took a decade or two.) But this means if I want thumbnails to show up with those excerpts, I need to add a “featured image” to every single post and JFC featured images are stupid and annoying. The default functionality is asinine and I have had many dramatic tirades over this topic. I just deleted a very long paragraph whinging over just that. You’re welcome.

In further Creating More Work For Myself, I also did some clean up and reorganizing of files behind the scenes, which led to creating a bunch of broken image links I have to fix. In the process, I discovered that there’s a few dozen pictures that don’t seem to be associated with actual posts, so I’m not sure why they’re even on the server to begin with. I ran a check for broken links in general and there is a long list of broken external links I’ll have to figure out if they’re worth fixing, or just removing them completely. But revisiting some of those very old posts has me fighting the urge to go back through the archives and fix all kinds of bad formatting choices, especially old images. I know I was using a computer with a smaller screen resolution—meaning smaller image resolutions—but some of those old pictures are SO. DAMN. SMALL. I really don’t know what my brain was thinking when making those decisions. I might cherry pick some of the more questionable pieces and leave the rest alone to languish in the archives. I am not motivated nearly enough to take that on right now.

I went through all my post drafts and purged a good dozen or so that have been sitting around forever in the unlikely event that I might use pieces in another post. Though “purged” is an inaccurate claim. I copy-pasted it all into an Evernote…note so I still have those bits of perceived genius that I might want to use in the far-flung future. Then I purged the drafts from WordPress to clear up the clutter when I’m looking for my monthly template or the draft where I log all of my Conversations in Geek Love until I decide to use them. If I ever get REALLY ambitious, I really need to cull my categories list. That’s a really hot mess. But that is another undertaking that’s not going to happen anytime soon.

Have I ever professed my love for Evernote? Bob introduced me to it awhile back. He uses it a lot for work. I wasn’t sure I’d get much use out of it at first, but crikey, I use it for so many things. It syncs across devices so I can leave myself notes on my phone when I’m in bed not sleeping and see it again the next day when I’m in front of my computer. It’s dramatically cut down on random Word documents and text files and gives me an easy access point for writing things when I’m away from my laptop. Though I don’t know how people “write” on a touch screen. Especially a phone. I am a touch typist. A tiny, smooth screen does not work for that. I can’t keep my hands on the home row and use the little notches on F and J for orientation. I have to actually look at the keyboard instead of what I’m typing and if you think I make a lot of typos when I can actually watch what I’m writing…oh ye gods.

I’ve never been a Halloween person. Though I’m not really a HOLIDAY person in general anymore either. But I do make it a point to watch Witch’s Night Out every year. It’s older than I am, the character design is very plain and simple (even the title card looks like it was made in MS Paint), and the story is a little weird, but you get Gilda Radner as the title character and the nostalgia factor is very strong.

Every so often I take to ye olde google to see if I can find some little plastic disc stands designed for Funko Pops. (Usually when Brendon dramatically face-plants on my desk for no discernible reason.) Funko used to actually sell small packs of them but I didn’t want to pay $10 in shipping for a $5 item. Now they apparently don’t sell them at all. (Everything on Amazon specifies NOT FOR POPS and eBay is too sketchy and/or expensive.) In a recent google attempt I found a Reddit post of someone lamenting unstable Pops and a commenter told them to check the box, because the stand is probably at the bottom and not already attached. I thought they were full of it, because we have Pops that came with stands that were already attached, but just for the hell of it, I went back to the boxes (because I still have them) and LOW AND BEHOLD there were stands in both Brendon’s box AND Glo Worm’s.

My two Pops with a penchant for tipping over anytime I sneeze on the other side of the house actually came with stands and I didn’t need to make them custom ones out of silicone putty. What the hell, Brendon?

Now they won’t face plant when they bring in the monthly stats.

Top 10 Most Played Artists for October 2022…

1.) O.A.R. 428 plays

2.) Panic! At the Disco 241 plays

3.) The Killers 238 plays

4.) Splender 182 plays

5.) Ingram Hill 161 plays

6.) Jake Wesley Rogers 150 plays

7.) Matt Nathanson 144 plays

8.) Nine Days 123 plays

9.) Brandon Flowers 110 plays

10.) Toad the Wet Sprocket 96 plays

Honorable mention: The Monkees, The Young Veins, Sara Bareilles, Tonic, Better Than Ezra, Marc Roberge, Darren Criss

Total of 2,187 plays of 778 tracks from 94 albums by 17 artists.

Yes. Glo Worm glows in the dark.

Also, someone seems a little surly about being relegated to the background of the picture.

Lavender Forever
Jake Wesley Rogers

Something to say?