I don’t even watch the show…

S: I can always tell when I’ve been listening to too much Glee music because original versions of songs sound weird. R: I can always tell when you’ve been listening to too much Glee music because you always listen to too much Glee music. S: Touché. — — New Morning Darren Criss

Like a little piece of kerosene…

It’s been a rough month. For a lot of reasons. If I can survive two more days, I get Bob all to myself for sixteen days. Well…fourteen…because two of those are Christmas and SOCIAL OBLIGATIONS. Mech. But still. Two weeks of late nights, lazy mornings, minimal ventures out of the house, and all the shameless inanity we can muster. I need this. — Our Song Matchbox Twenty


Bob and I don’t have many pictures of the two of us together (aside from our wedding pictures). As often as I dink around with my camera, I just don’t think to take any of us. Six years ago was our first date. It feels like a lifetime ago, but at the same time, it’s gone by in a flash. Six years ago our primary concern was when we could see each other again. (EVERY… Keep reading…Six…