
And then Bob came home from work carrying dinner. And with the news that he has the entire next week off from work for my birthday and Thanksgiving. Spoiled? Yes. Yes I am. We also have an appointment Tuesday to get my car fixed so it is safely drivable again. Though we’ll still need to figure out when we’re going to get the bumper fixed. I should probably get that post written about our trip… Keep reading…Spoiled…

Need to break out…

Spam comments trying to sell me Cymbalta. OH. FUCK. NO. I was on Cymbalta once. Once. That shit set me back so far it was like I’d never make any progress at all. Also it killed my sex drive to the point that the mere mention of the act made me want to scream and sob uncontrollably. I wish I was exaggerating. ANYWAY. I was showered and dressed by 8:30 this morning. (On a SATURDAY!)… Keep reading…Need to break out…

What are you doing for the rest of your life?

I always feel the need to commemorate anniversaries with essays waxing poetic about years gone by. Then I start writing and it takes off in an entirely different direction that I never intended and I end up scrapping the whole thing. Three years ago today Bob and I got married. He is my best friend. He is my saving grace. I love him more than I ever thought it was possible to love another human… Keep reading…What are you doing for the rest of your life?