Conversations in Geek Love…Halo, World!

SOMEBODY has no imagination… S: Do you think they have Blue Team Halo Mega Blocks now? R: Probably not. If they did, would you actually buy them? S: Maybe. I’d have to get both red and blue though. So I could act out scenes. R: *blink*…Then you are DEFINITELY NOT getting them. — More like 3/8… S: Wanna go to eStop? R: What’s eStop? S: It’s GameStop with half their sign burnt out. R: Oh…. Keep reading…Conversations in Geek Love…Halo, World!

Hey chicka bump bump…

S: By my calculations, I should get my Rooster Teeth package today. But it hasn’t shown up yet. So maybe it’ll get here tomorrow. I’m DYING for that CD. I need to hear Caboose’s love song to Church in it’s entirety. R: I didn’t think that song sounded that great. S: Well, it’s not so much the song—I really only like it because it’s Caboose singing it. R: No. You really only like it because… Keep reading…Hey chicka bump bump…

30 Days of Blogging…Day 20…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 20: A Hobby of Yours… Video Games…I’ve loved to play video games since I was a kid, I’ve just never been particularly good at them. I got an NES* for Christmas when I was twelve and I only ever accumulated a handful of games for it. I was absolutely lousy at most of them. Except the first Legend of Zelda…I actually BEAT that game. BY MYSELF. And let us not… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 20…

Conversations in Geek Love [part two]

Conquest to Woo a Templar… S: So apparently I made him wait too long to bed him down. Alistair just propositioned me instead. R: If there was an achievement for the number of different ways to get Alistair into bed—you would totally get it. — Signs of Intelligent Life… R: Only you would have a dream about an alien race of dinosaurs that are cute and cuddly—not mean and scaly. S: Ones that could be… Keep reading…Conversations in Geek Love [part two]

Conversations in Geek Love [the Dragon Age files]

CG Love Affair… R: Will I lose approval if I don’t bring Alistair along? S: Mmm… minus 25. R: Damn. I guess you won’t be coming back to my tent tonight. — R: I don’t see what people were complaining about. This is more of a challenging puzzle than anything. S: I think the worst part about it is being alone. You don’t get Alistair’s snarky commentary the whole time. R: Yes. But I’m not… Keep reading…Conversations in Geek Love [the Dragon Age files]