Conversations in Geek Love [the Dragon Age files]

CG Love Affair… R: Will I lose approval if I don’t bring Alistair along? S: Mmm… minus 25. R: Damn. I guess you won’t be coming back to my tent tonight. — R: I don’t see what people were complaining about. This is more of a challenging puzzle than anything. S: I think the worst part about it is being alone. You don’t get Alistair’s snarky commentary the whole time. R: Yes. But I’m not… Keep reading…Conversations in Geek Love [the Dragon Age files]

Converstaions in Geek Love [part one]

Full Moon… S: What should I take a picture of today? R: You can take a picture of my ass. S: You want me to post a picture of your ass on my blog? R: Why not? Who looks at your blog anyway? S: This is true. R: I only need to worry about things like that if I run for office. — Because I said so… S: “Do not use [Purell] in the eyes.”… Keep reading…Converstaions in Geek Love [part one]

And again…

I’m never going to be satisfied with any premade template. I’m just not. (Hence the change in theme since last post.) Yeah, some of them look cool and all, and I take inspiration from them here and there when developing my own web layouts, but if it’s not something I built from the ground up with my own little coding fingers…it’s just not my website. And that is why WordPress themes are going to be… Keep reading…And again…

Thus it was…

There is something wholly ironic about completely losing your train of thought in mid-sentence in the middle of writing an essay about being diagnosed with AD/HD. But there I was, typing away, words flying out onto the screen and BAM! Gone. What the hell was I going to write next? Fuckadamnduck. Might as well go do something else, because that ain’t coming back to me any time soon. This is my brain. Welcome to it…. Keep reading…Thus it was…

back-dated 05/02/09: this is me being unproductive…

If I had clue one about what the hell I’m doing when it comes to designing this freaking website, it wouldn’t be so bloody difficult to pick a given blogging client and plunk the code for the various components into my template and be done with it. Problem is, I don’t actually know what the hell I’m doing. I’ve long said I’m really only a wannabe computer geek. I can fake it like the best… Keep reading…back-dated 05/02/09: this is me being unproductive…

back-dated 04/03/09: something, someone, someday…

Someday I will get this blog properly formatted and build the rest of the website around it. I don’t have a clue as to when this elusive “someday” might be, but it would be nice if it was sooner than later. I have my CSS code written. I just need to figure out how to fix it to render properly in browsers other than Firefox. Bear wants to work with me on writing PHP code… Keep reading…back-dated 04/03/09: something, someone, someday…