Permanent jet lag…

I’ve been listening to a lot of Fall Out Boy. Which feels like it should be a departure from all the Panic! At the Disco I was listening to, but after hearing 20 Dollar Nose Bleed I am just still further convinced that the two bands are practically interchangeable. The first time I heard it, I was distracted by other things until about the middle of the song and finally realized there were two different… Keep reading…Permanent jet lag…

Obsession called while you were out…

I rarely listen to the radio. The only time anymore seems to be in the car on short trips when I don’t bring a CD to listen to, or the tiny window of time between starting the car and putting in a CD, then taking out the CD and turning off the engine. In those times, it’s either yapping DJs, commercials, or a song I’ve never heard before, but don’t like after a few bars…. Keep reading…Obsession called while you were out…