Just setting a trap…

I still don’t like February. The last post was supposed to be the lead-in to the monthly Last.fm stats, but it turned in a direction I didn’t anticipate and dumping meaningless numbers at the end of it just felt stupid. But now I can fill up another page with things I thought I was going to write about last time. … I was looking at the calendar, wondering why the 13th was standing out as… Keep reading…Just setting a trap…

Permanent jet lag…

I’ve been listening to a lot of Fall Out Boy. Which feels like it should be a departure from all the Panic! At the Disco I was listening to, but after hearing 20 Dollar Nose Bleed I am just still further convinced that the two bands are practically interchangeable. The first time I heard it, I was distracted by other things until about the middle of the song and finally realized there were two different… Keep reading…Permanent jet lag…