Just setting a trap…

I still don’t like February. The last post was supposed to be the lead-in to the monthly Last.fm stats, but it turned in a direction I didn’t anticipate and dumping meaningless numbers at the end of it just felt stupid. But now I can fill up another page with things I thought I was going to write about last time. … I was looking at the calendar, wondering why the 13th was standing out as… Keep reading…Just setting a trap…

Never gonna make it stop…

I was digging through some folders in the black hole that is my hard drive and found this…screenshot? showcasing ADHD versus reality, and while I have no idea where I found it or who created it in the first place (Whoo! Etch-a-Sketch brain!) it struck me (probably in the same way it did when I first found it…whenever that was) how well it explains……this. And by that, I mean the hot mess of a website… Keep reading…Never gonna make it stop…