You’re playing you now…

I read a lot of blogs. Some daily. Some less often. I subscribe to a whole mess of them through Google Reader. I have even more bookmarked under a category called “Blog Stalking: Random Folk.” The majority of these blogs are just average people with average lives. But I’ve always been drawn to that kind of thing. The ordinary, everyday is what interests me. Sharing in people’s everyday lives has always fascinated me. What you… Keep reading…You’re playing you now…


I’m short. I always have been. I’m 4′ 11.5″ tall and I’ve grown a grand total of an inch and a half since I was twelve years old. Now I’m thirty years old. (Holy crap, I’m THIRTY.) I never even hit the five foot mark. But hey, I’m tall for my height. I started to pack on weight around age ten. And kept gaining. By junior high I was wearing a size 14. By high… Keep reading…Weighty…

back-dated 03/12/09: it’s a catch 22…

I’ve been reading through a lot of old journal entries lately. I have so many journal “projects” around, it’s a wonder I can keep them all straight. What I’ve found out by going back to the archives, is the fact that I am a capable writer. I do have some sliver of talent. I’m by no means best-selling author material, but I don’t suck. What gets me is most of the “good” stuff I’ve read… Keep reading…back-dated 03/12/09: it’s a catch 22…