How do you always seem to know just when to call?

I had something planned to write about. And then I lost it. This is nothing new. It’s just obnoxious.

I’ve been spending some quality time getting to know my new(ish) Home Design program. This is my 3D Home Architect replacement, since that one is not compatible with Windows 7. I actually got this program shortly after I got my new computer, I just haven’t really used it since then. But with a new story in the works, I have need for floor plans to brainstorm with, so I busted out the architect program. There are a lot of similarities in functionality so it’s not difficult to learn, and most of the major differences are just a drastic improvement in the 3D rendering and ooooh shiiiiiiiiiny aspects and it is pretty and shiny and kind of awesome. I have been having fun and it was worth the investment.

We’ve been watching more movies lately. Which is to say, I’ve been forcing my ass to sit down and pay attention to movies more often lately. This is much more of a challenge than it needs to be, but when you have my brain…I’m a special kind of challenge to myself. We went and saw Inception (ZOMG in the THEATER!). Leonardo DiCaprio used to drive me batty, but I’m building up a tolerance for him. The movie wasn’t at all what I expected it to be after hearing so many people talk about it, but it was really good. And I do not get the whole Matrix comparison. We watched The Men Who Stare at Goats. Everybody we knew who’d seen it had complained about how boring and unfunny it was. Bob and I were actually pretty entertained by it. Apparently we just have a completely different sense of humor. Coraline? Totally creepy for a kids’ movie. We also watched The Ugly Truth recently. It was cheesy and cute, but pretty good, I thought. It had all the schmoop romantic comedy elements that I’m a total sucker for. And hot damn Gerard Butler sure is pretty.

I’ve been doing more reading on ADHD and things to do/try in addition to medication treatment. I was reading about diet changes and what not, but a lot of what I read pretty much said a lot elimination diets of “known triggers” (preservatives, food dyes, et al) really only work for kids and have no effect on adults. Though other articles I read talked about how deficiencies in iron, zinc, and magnesium can effect dopamine and norepinephrine production. Considering I currently get 461% of my daily iron between my iron pills and multivitamin, I don’t think I have to worry about a deficiency there. My multivitamin is supposed to have 100% of my daily zinc, but you get it “naturally” through meats and beans, neither of which I eat much of at all. And magnesium…the multivitamin has 13% and also comes mostly from meats…also nuts, soybeans, and spinach. This particular article also talked about omega 3 fatty acids being good for dopamine levels so adding fish oil is also a good idea. I have fish oil pills. (The eye doctor told me to take them for dry eyes.) I just don’t take them very often. Those things are BIGGER than the freaking multivitamins. I’ve been trying to get into the habit of taking them everyday. But I refuse to put them in my pill case because I don’t want my pills case to stink of FISH. I’m not looking to add anymore damn supplements to my daily regimen unless my doctor tells me to. But it’s a good thing I’ve mastered swallowing a handful of pills at one time considering I’m currently sitting at 10 pills a day right now.

I also came across an article about secondary fidgeting as a means of multi-tasking to help focus the mind. This is something I tend to already do, I just didn’t realize I was doing it, or why I was doing it. Listening to music while you read, or when trying to get to sleep. Doodling while on the phone or talking to someone helps you pay attention. Fidgeting with a small item (like a worry stone or a stress ball) when you need to sit and pay attention to something. It all occupies your subconscious so your conscious mind can focus on the task at hand. But in order for it to be truly successful, it has to be deliberate. I’m trying to figure out the proper item to use as my “fidget.” I keep thinking along the lines of something soft and/or smooth. Fabric would probably get worn out too quickly, but I can’t see a worry stone being entirely effective for me. I think I’ll just have to experiment with different objects and see what feels right.

My sinuses seem to be starting a revolt. Many days as of late, I feel like I’ve been smashed in the face with a basketball. (And yes, I do know what that actually feels like. It has happened…SEVERAL times. No thanks to the assholes I went to school with.) But then I look at the calendar and realize mid to late August? Yep. It’s about time for the allergies to start kicking my ass again. I always see an increase in allergy activity this time of year. I don’t know what specifically I’m allergic to. But whatever it is, it’s high volume right about now. Oh for JOY. If you need me, I’ll be over here, with a box of kleenex and zero energy.

Joshua Kadison

Something to say?