Lather, rinse, repeat…but wait…

I keep trying to write something here and it keeps coming out the same: whine, bitch, bitch, whine, bitch, whine, whine, bitch. And a little extra whine thrown in for good measure. So I leave it sit for awhile, reread it, try to fix it, leave it sit, read it again, and delete it. Because I certainly don’t want to read it. I’m not going subject anyone else to it either.

How is that different than any other post?

Ehh…good point.

In less self-deprecating and much more exciting news…

Bob got a text message around 1AM last night from his dad saying that Anne’s water broke. They’ve been at the hospital ever since. Grandpa called me this afternoon for an update to tell me that…well…not much was going on. Little Nephew is taking his sweet time so they’d given Mama Pitocin to get things moving and they’re just playing the waiting game. Hopefully Baby will make his appearance before too much longer. I’d hate for Annie to be in labor that long!

Babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something to say?