
My head is in a weird place I can’t quite explain. The gears are grinding on a few things I need to write about, I’m just not sure how to approach them. I’m worried I won’t be able to do them justice. That they’ll just come out sounding like drunken, haphazard, irate howler monkey rantings. But for the sake of my own sanity, they are things I need to write. So I’ll give them my… Keep reading…Grinding…

Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Pasta…

I don’t know much about cooking, but once I have my own kitchen, I’m determined to experiment and learn. Right now we make good use of canned cream of chicken soup and its like, but I want to learn to make sauces from scratch, just because they taste so much better. Frankly—I’m not that hell bent on completely eliminating the chemicals and preservatives in absolutely everything—some stuff in moderation is NOT. GOING. TO. KILL. ME…. Keep reading…Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Pasta…


I don’t watch sports. I don’t follow sports. The only sports I care about are the Olympics every even-numbered year. And that’s more for the spirit of the games than the actual sports. So really, I don’t give a flying rat’s patoot about any of Minnesota’s teams. Except maybe hockey…the tiniest of bits. I’m born and bred in Minnesota…it’s kind of ingrained in me somewhere to care about hockey to some degree. Even if it’s… Keep reading…Topical…

I’ll take you on…

It’s November 1st…there are so many things wrong with that statement I don’t even know where to begin. I suppose now that I’ve finished the whole 30 Days of Blogging thing, I’ll have to start writing real blog posts again. Again? *snirk* Yeah. I know. I laughed too. Modern code for homes is to have all smoke detectors hardwired into the electrical system with a battery backup. (As opposed to just being battery operated.) Also—all… Keep reading…I’ll take you on…