Guess I needed something new…

I had an odd dream one night last week that left me wondering if I could somehow use a piece of it in a story. It jabbed me in the side of the brain constantly for a few days and the next thing I knew, I had one of my “Never See the Light of Day” projects sitting in front of me. One of those story lines that is so ridiculous I would never let anyone else see it. But I have so much fun writing it and I’m actually writing…why the hell not write it?

Three days later I’m staring at eighteen pages of dialogue and feeling mildly accomplished.

It used to be when I came up with these inane plot lines, I couldn’t bring myself to say anything to anyone about it. Save for the occasional convoluted, cryptic blog post. All for fear of people thinking I’m some kind of whack job. Now? I can tell Bob all about it and HE doesn’t think I’m weird.


He does.

But that has nothing to do with my writing.

He knew I was working on a new idea and as I was tapping away on a few lines today, he inquired about my progress. Then he asked about the subject matter. My initial reaction was hesitation…and embarrassment…and then I realized, it didn’t matter. As soon as I told him a few particulars he asked, “Was this inspired by your dream?”

It’s like he KNOWS ME.

We are connected at the brain.

I love us.

In the Middle

Something to say?