Turn me over and over…

I currently have fourteen unposted entries sitting in drafts. I can’t seem to complete a thought…ever.

I hooked up a standard keyboard to my laptop so I can sit back from my desk with the keyboard in my lap while I’m writing. I am incapable of typing on a regular keyboard apparently. My typos have increased tenfold methinks. It’s also actually a Mac keyboard, swiped from Bob’s Fubar’ed iMac. There are a lot of extra buttons that don’t seem to do anything for a PC on a Mac keyboard. Also, there is no print screen button. Whatever, Apple.

I’ve been having fun experimenting in my kitchen. And baking. Because I demand cookies.

I’m thinking of making a few more sound clips of Caboose to put on my phone for a little variety in my water alarm. And for other alerts. More notably, “I demand cookies!” and “I do not want to catch pregnancy.” Because those would be just as random as “I HAVE SO MANY ACHIEVABLES!” And that one gets many a weird look from anyone who doesn’t know Caboose. Which is…pretty much everybody I encounter. I like to confuse people and add to their presumptions that I am completely cracked in the head. Because I am.

Speaking of being cracked in the head…I’ve been off all of my medications for a few weeks now. I’ve run out of pills and I have yet to make an appointment with either relevant doctor. I’m not sure how I feel. Not really much different than being fully medicated. I’ve got some figuring out to do on this.

We have a tentative closing date on the house. This is both awesome and stressful as all hell. Awesome…because hello? THE HOUSE WILL OFFICIALLY BE OURS. Stressful as all hell because the bank reneged on their agreed upon amount they will pay in closing costs and we now need an additional $2000 of our own money to bring to the closing table. We’ll be able to save that between now and then, but fuckitall anyway it’s bullshit. If we had an actual mortgage or rent payment right now…we’d probably be losing the house because we wouldn’t be able to save the money by the bank-set deadline. But we are going to make this work if it kills us.

We just have to hope that our furniture takes those full eight weeks to get done and delivered so we don’t have to start paying for it before closing.

Last Friday I had plans to go see my parents. I got in my car and turned the key and all I got was click, click, click, click, click, click. It wouldn’t start. At all. I had lights but no radio and the windows moved reeeeeally slooooooow. I had a panic attack, called my mom, talked to her for over two hours, and waited for Bob to get home from work so I could unload on him. He called his dad and he came over to check it out. As it turns out the battery was hobbling on its last leg. It’s the original battery and my car is nine years old. It had a good run. They charged it up using Bob’s car and off we went to Pep Boys to get a new battery installed. The guy who actually installed the battery was nice. The guy who helped us inside was a complete douche. Some people should not work in the customer service industry. That guy shouldn’t be allowed to talk to people. Ever.

My key fobs are not working properly after Friday’s fiasco. It will lock everything, pop the trunk, but it will only unlock the driver’s door. It seems to need to be reprogrammed after the almost dead battery. There are instructions on how to reprogram the key in the owner’s manual. We just haven’t actually gotten around to trying it.

There are cookies downstairs calling my name. It’s almost one in the morning so I probably should ignore them.

Sugar cookies with butterscotch chips for the record.

I am in dire need of a haircut and a perm. It’s now been a full year since my last perm. My hair is nice and straight. And by “nice” I mean, it looks horrible. For having naturally straight hair, it sure does look awful on me. It’s too fine and flat. If I can ever get to my parents’ house, Mom will do my hair for me. Why was Joe the only one of us four who got the natural curl? Bastard.

Headphone wires do not work well with a keyboard in my lap. They are constantly in the way. But since Bob’s in bed down the hall, I use the headphones at night so I don’t disturb him. Even though he’s capable of sleeping through pretty much anything, he probably wouldn’t even notice if I had music playing. Especially if I shut the bedroom door. But we haven’t slept with the bedroom door closed since we’ve been here. (No more roommates FTMFW!) And this way I can also have it as loud as I want it. Which really, is not that loud. It’s just easier to hear with the headphones at night. And despite the fact that they continually fall out, these ear buds no longer hurt my ears when I wear them. My ears were not made for headphones. They’re too small. My ears, not the headphones.

I’ve been trying to get writing done lately. It’s not working. I’m not really surprised. But I am irritated by this. I can’t even crank out pages for the completely ridiculous stuff I’ve been working on.

Instead it’s back to Dragon Age II. I think once I finish this playthrough, I’ll go back and play some DA Origins. I need a proper Alistair fix.

I think it’s time to put this trainwreck to bed. And by that I mean, post this entry before I cram more crap into it that has no relevance to anything. Typos and all. Because I’ll probably have to read it six more times to even see the mistakes. Because I am just that good at proofreading.

Something to say?