
I need to stop writing “Closing” on my calendar. Every time I do—something comes along to fuck it all up.

We had two bad rain storms and nothing leaked. Torrential downpour, scary high winds, can’t see out the windows, bad rain storms.



So we had someone scheduled to come fix the wall—tear out the rest of the damaged drywall, put in new insulation, check for mold, fresh plastic, fresh drywall, tape seams, paint, NEW WALL.

The morning of…it rained—torrential downpour, high winds, knocked out our power for two hours RAIN STORM.




They couldn’t fix the wall with the leak still there. So they just tore out the drywall, checked the insulation, and left.

We had a house full of people the rest of the day. Our agents, the association manager, the contractor. NOBODY CAN FIND THE SOURCE OF THIS LEAK. There is absolutely NO TRAIL to follow to find where it is coming from.

We had the FHA appraisal this week. It’s not going to pass for the loan until the wall is put back together. But they decided to do the appraisal anyway and have them come back for a re-inspection of the wall once it’s fixed.

In the meantime, the selling agent is dealing with the bank to see if they’re willing to work with us and postpone closing until everything is fixed.

Worst case scenario, the bank says we have to close by August 15th or no deal. Which means we lose the house and have 30 days to vacate. The sellers go into foreclosure. The bank loses EVEN MORE MONEY on the sale of the house. (It’s already a short sale. It’s already selling for almost HALF of what it originally sold for new five years ago. A foreclosure would see a huge drop in price.) And they still can’t sell it until the leak is fixed.

It’s in everyone’s best interest for people to work together here. We have proven time and time again that we have every intention of going through with buying this house. If they don’t work with us on this—they are fucking stupid. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

We’ve had one bad rainstorm since the last leak—since they tore a HUGE HOLE IN THE CEILING.


So we have to keep waiting for rain. And keep hoping it actually leaks. And maybe, just maybe with a huge hole in the ceiling somebody will be able to find the source. Because we’re going to have to call in Columbo and Scooby Doo and Mystery, Inc. pretty soon here.

And when we result to fictional detectives to solve our mysteries…it’s time to put Sara in a padded room with heavy doses of Valium. Because this train has derailed and there ain’t no getting it back on the tracks away from crazy town.

I’ve rewritten this about three times now because every time I try to type this out, every other word is fuck. I think I finally cleaned it up enough for public consumption.

Something to say?