
I have a lot of notes for my various writing projects. A lot of them are from back when I had a job. Something would pop into my head that sounded good and I knew I’d forget it by the time I got home, so I’d put it in a email to myself.

I’ve been going through those notes a lot lately, looking for ideas and inspiration. A good chunk of those notes are for the story project I keep circling back to, so I’ve been combing through those more than all the others.

And then I found this…line…that I had completely forgotten about until I read it again. And I giggled. Because with as much information as I have rattling around in my head for this particular story, it just…fits.

In six years Matt had, oddly enough, grown accustomed to waking up and finding Todd in his bed. He knew he was either in for the most obnoxious wake-up call of his life or some kind of intervention. After his behavior the night before, his money was on the latter.

One of the things that has me repeatedly coming back to this project is the character list. I’ve never been so attached to a cast of characters has I am to this group. I know them inside and out. Which is probably why I’m determined to write this effing thing if it kills me.

Something to say?