A familiar town…

I had twenty-some posts sitting in drafts. I finally went through and purged it down to four. I’d call that progress.

I keep trying to write something about writing and it’s all coming out as indecipherable gibberish. Much like my writing.

Par for the course.

I did 1/2 mile in 10 minutes on the elliptical today. I’ll chalk that one up in the victory column. I’ve been doing 1/4 mile averaging 5.5 to 6.5 minutes so far. My legs are taking less time to recover and it takes longer for them to give out on me. I might make some progress yet.

And then my lungs will start giving out on me first and that will be a whole other hurdle to contend with.

Now if the damn scale would stop moving upward I’ll feel like I’m getting somewhere.

Top of the list for next week’s doctor appointment: WTF weight gain?

Which reminds me: I need to make my list of Holy Christ on a Bike I’m Falling Apart WTF is This Fresh Hell? for my appointment next week.

Bob’s off work tomorrow. He’ll probably be home early today because he’s worked late a few hours this week. Unless of course he gets hit with a problem at the end of the day. As is wont to happen. Long weekend with my Bear. Color me excited.

Next week is Thanksgiving. How is this possible?

Next week is also a 4-day weekend with my Bear. Color me extra excited.

I’ve been awake since 2AM after sleeping for about 2 hours.

Color me…fekking TIRED.

But I need to keep myself awake so I can actually sleep tonight. Because if I allow myself a nap, I won’t just nap. I will crash. And probably not wake up until Bob gets home from work and that means I won’t sleep tonight.

Because that’s how things work around here.

Another hot topic for the doctor: WTF Sleep WTF is Wrong With You?

I have a long list of things I need to address with the doctor. He’s going to be thrilled I’m sure.

Season 9 of Red Vs Blue is out on DVD. I must order it. Because I need to keep my RvB DVD collection up to date.

Something to say?