Let me prove it to ya…

Every so often I get this trembly-shivery-thing happening. I shiver like I am frozen to the bone even when I’m not actually cold.

What is this fresh hell?

By happenstance, not that long ago, I was reading an article about anxiety—more specifically Generalized Anxiety Disorder—and it described twitching and trembling as a symptom. It got me thinking about the shaky-trembly bullshit I deal with and I think I solved the mystery. At least in part. I can think of multiple instances of this happening where I was feeling inexplicable anxiety in a situation where anxiety had no reason to be there.

Hence: Generalized Anxiety Disorder

It’s a special kind of hell.

I’m having one of these shaky-shivery-trembly things going on right now.

Makes typing an adventure.

It is decidedly unawesome.


I was looking at the search analytics stats on my site. I don’t do it often, as I tend to forget the service even exists, but when I do…it really makes me wonder about other people’s mental states with some of these keyword searches. The most recent crop of Bwuh? includes a lot of nudity.

… naked coed games video
… naked trivia videos
… naked video games
… weak for boobs

I’m sure these people were sorely disappointed by what they found.

It’s been awhile since I’ve had any hits looking for Alistair/Dragon Age smut though. That used to be a regular topic of apparent interest.

Though I did get a giggle out of someone’s search for what noise does a platypus make? Because…well…

And of course there was the why does Andy Grammer wear a ring on his left finger? Which is, ridiculously enough, NOT the first time I’ve gotten hits regarding Mr. Grammer’s wedding band. There have been…a few… Because apparently I am an authority on these things. In case you didn’t know.

That’s what I get for shamelessly babbling about ridiculously adorable musicians, I suppose.

Ten days until we leave for Denver.

Still haven’t done a damn thing to get ready.

The over-used ADHD card, let me play it for you.

Live & Die
The Avett Brothers

Something to say?