Can you hear when we call…

I feel completely unprepared for this trip. I have little over 48 hours to get it all figured out.

And here I sit, in bed with my computer.

HEY, I’ve been doing laundry all day. I’m not completely unproductive here.

Yesterday morning I was sitting at my desk when Bob walked into the loft for his morning pre-work intarwebz perusal. He sat down in his chair, logged into his computer, and leaned over, peering at my computer screen, looking mildly perplexed.

I was watching a video on Youtube, listening with headphones, as I do. He looked at me, looked at my computer, and shook his head.

“I don’t get it. That’s not Andy Grammer. This does not compute.”

I’m sorry, sweetheart.

I didn’t mean to confuse you.


Have an Andy Grammer video.


Oh shut-up you are not the least bit surprised by that cheap move.

I could make a comment about those big green glowsticks, but it’s completely inappropriate so I’ll keep it to myself.

Mat Kearney

Something to say?