3 thoughts on “Get on the run again…

  1. Sorry to hear this. I hope you feel better soon. One thing that helped me recently was garlic and ginger tea.
    One whole bulb of garlic-peeled and chopped
    One 2-inch piece of ginger root-peeled and chopped
    Put those together in a saucepan with about 2-3 cups of water, and let it simmer for a while. The water will get a bit cloudy as the garlic and ginger release their oils. Drink this throughout the day. If you want, you can add some honey to sweeten it.
    What I was told is that garlic is a natural antimicrobial, so it should help knock out whatever infection you’re dealing with. Also the heat can help clear out the sinuses a bit, just like drinking any hot herbal tea would.
    Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Interesting. I did not know that about garlic. Things have improved drastically from where they started, but the last remnants are holding on and refuse to let go. It’s obnoxious to say the least. I might have to try this. I think I even have both garlic and ginger on hand. ^_^

      1. Glad things are improving, and I hope this helps you kick the last bit out of your system. Probably just in time for your spring allergies to kick in, but at least that’s something you’re familiar with.

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