Kinda wears me out…

1.) Had a doctor appointment on Friday. Bob went with me. Nobody accused him of being my son this time. I have another appointment this coming Friday. Bob is planning on going with me again. We’ll see if anybody else makes me feel like a dirty old woman.

2.) Addressing health concerns is expensive. Though I have yet to receive a bill for the $531 test I had done in December that told me there was nothing wrong and my insurance said it wasn’t going to cover. Either the insurance changed its mind or Park Nicollet is working on yet another way to screw me over.

3.) My dad turned 70 last week. SEVENTY. I can’t even begin to wrap my brain around that fact.

4.) My lungs are still cruddy and wheezy and my sinuses are still a little thick. This week will mark a full four weeks. It’s easy to keep track of that because the plague hit last month during Hell Week and guess what? It’s Hell Week again! Joy of absolute fucking joys.

5.) We have our annual home owners association meeting tonight. We need to sign a petition for the city for them to finish paving our streets six years too late. I want to ask the HOA president (who lives directly across from us) if his roommate moved out. I’m kind of bored without anyone to make up stories about while he chain smokes on the front step.

6.) Saturday morning Bob and I lolled in bed for hours talking, as we do, and discussing one of my current story projects. He claims to know nothing about writing, but he is ridiculously good at working the kinks out of my brain on this stuff. But I really need to start recording our conversations because I can’t remember half the stuff we talked about.

7.) I made some additions and adjustments to the Ben and Marina soundtrack. It’s throwing me off because it has been the same 32 songs in the same order for months and now there are two more songs and several have been shifted into different spots and everything is weird. Life is hard.

8.) Matt Nathanson released a new song today with a new album supposedly due out this summer. Hot damn. I love him.

Modern Love
Matt Nathanson

Something to say?