Just a shadow fading out…

I have a tendency to let posts pile up in the drafts folder. Things that are too fragmented, too bitchy, too emotional, too sleep-deprived, too why-are-you-posting-that-on-the-internet, too…whathaveyou. I go through them periodically and purge or use pieces in other posts that actually get published. And some just sit there for months—or years—as I don’t have the heart to delete them because maybe someday they’ll get finished.

Not my fault…

S: He’s like a puppy. He’s cute and he’s got those big brown eyes, but he’s kind of dumb. And you have to keep him from bumping into walls all day long.
R: I had no idea puppies had a problem with bumping into walls.
S: Well, they are dumb.
R: That is the worst analogy ever.

Might be contagious….

R: Too warm to cuddle, I’ll just be over here. Enjoy your side of the bed.
S: Oh…well I have Sheep.
R: Sounds like an STD. I have SHEEP AGAIN.
S: How do you treat that?
R: Shears.

Just sit there and look pretty…

I had a dream that my mom was [finally] painting my house and Darren Criss was here to help her while I sat around and watched. He was supposed to be edging while she was on a ladder, but he took it upon himself to start painting one of the ceilings red.

Mom took the roller away from him and he wasn’t allowed to touch the paint supplies after that.

Tired of the weather…

On a trip to Costco, we were cart-checked at the door by a high school/college-ish kid named Boston.


Parking lot commentary ensued including discussion of his height (well over six feet), the authenticity of the giant diamond stud in his left ear (totally cubic zirconia), and whether or not his parents were actually in Boston when he was conceived (because we’re classy as hell).

And then we packed the car and drove away and THIS SONG was playing on the radio.

Because of course it was.

There’s a book I’ve got that we can read together…

A number of recent story pipe dreams have involved the main character(s) having a kid (or more). This is foreign territory for me. My [main] characters don’t have kids and generally have no plans to have them. And then Kate started dating Michael with two kids from a previous marriage. Kailyn started dating Alex with a seven-year-old daughter. Matt and Alison have a teenage son they had as teenagers. Hannah struck up a relationship with life-long friend Marc (widowed) with a teenager. Ryan and Hallie finally got matched with a child to adopt—a teenager who’s been in the foster system for far too long. And then in multiple instances of these same stories, side-plot possibility has unexpected pregnancies happening.

And then I started to over-analyze things and found myself wondering if this [seemingly sudden] shift in my writing was indicative of a shift in my own reality.

And then I realized that I just over-analyze EVERYTHING and NO I’m still firmly rooted in the I DO NOT WANT TO CATCH PREGNANCY camp.

Insomnia is great, I don’t know what you’re talking about…

Sheep and The Bears hijacked Bob’s tablet in the middle of the night and took selfies. Then made this the wallpaper.

It’s been there for months and Bob hasn’t changed it because it makes me giggle every time I see it.

Pretty sure you’re the weird one…

Recent intarwebz news about stolen nudie pics makes my brain hurt. That’ll learn ya to put your bewbs on the iCloud kids.

Or not.

Because people are inherently stupid and never learn.

You know what people would find if my iPhone phone “got hacked?”

Gems like this:

Or other varied and sundry critters in positions I find entirely too thoroughly amusing.

Or food.


Nope just stuffed animals and food. Because that’s how I roll.

I was scrolling through pictures on my phone and found a series of BEAR!FACE! selfies I have no memory of taking, which leads me to stand by my claim that these animals are getting up to shenanigans when I’m not around.


Earthquake Weather
Matt Nathanson

Something to say?