No frills Chili…

When I was a kid, I thought didn’t like chili. I can’t pinpoint why exactly, but I remember I never wanted to eat it when my mom made it for dinner. I’m always trying to figure out a solid go-to list of recipes to make for dinner and many times Bob and I circled back to chili. When looking at the general ingredients, there’s not really anything in there that we don’t like. Why not… Keep reading…No frills Chili…

Looking like a train wreck…

…wearing too much makeup the burden that you carry is more than one soul could ever bear… I should probably have more Jayhawks music in my collection than I do. Save it For a Rainy Day may or may not be on the Ben & Marina soundtrack for the sole reason that Marina is named in the song. And I may or may not have concocted a scene between the pair during a rain storm… Keep reading…Looking like a train wreck…

But that one night…

Contrary to the inanity that I write here…I don’t suck at writing. That is not an easy thing for me to admit out loud. (Or in print on the internet, as the case may be.) I am the queen of self-deprecation, and depression and anxiety like to try to convince me I suck at merely existing most days. I have a difficult time saying I’m a good writer without feeling like a complete fraud. Every… Keep reading…But that one night…

Never quite ready at all…

I feel like I’m running out of time on an important deadline. I haven’t done any prep work. I am completely unprepared to even start, much less finish on time. It sounds like some sort of stress dream. Only it’s not a dream. It’s just one of the many obnoxious ways my brain manifests unexplained anxiety. I’m not actually running on any deadlines—that I know of. It’s entirely possible there’s something I need to do,… Keep reading…Never quite ready at all…

It’s hard to see it now…

I’m genuinely curious how old people think I am when they see me. For the most part, I get the impression people think I’m much younger than I am. It could have a lot to do with my height (4′ 11.5″). I don’t even register on most “adult” height charts. They all start at five-feet. Every time I get measured at the doctor, the nurse always double and often triple checks because I can’t possibly… Keep reading…It’s hard to see it now…

Holding down this spot…

It’s three in the morning. I have an appointment at 10AM. Sleep is for the weak, apparently. I’ve been trying to sort out the latest writing debacle happening in my head and I think I’ve only served to confuse myself further. I am good at things. It’s no secret that I repeat myself constantly when it comes to writing. (And everywhere else, but we’re not talking about that right now.) When a story loses steam… Keep reading…Holding down this spot…