Don’t wanna mess this up…

Sometimes I find myself falling into the abyss of reading old blog posts. I’ll go to look for something I wrote and suddenly it’s six pages of posts later. And in the process I usually completely forget what I was originally looking for in the first place. Par for the course. Most interesting to me are the posts about writing. A lot of my writing about writing is pretty much just me talking my way… Keep reading…Don’t wanna mess this up…

Things unseen…

Life… Here’s the thing about life: It happens. Sometimes a whole lot of it happens all at once and leaves your mind spinning. When life happens, I feel compelled to write about it. I’m a writer and writing about life comes with the territory. It helps me work through the convoluted mess that is my brain. It helps me remember when things happened. But the problem I often run into is that there are certain… Keep reading…Things unseen…

Been there for awhile…

I write a lot of blog posts in my head. Mostly while I’m in bed, staring at the wall, not sleeping, debating if I should just relent and get up, or force myself to stay put in the hopes I’ll get tired enough to fall asleep. It’s fun times. The downside to writing posts in my head…when I finally open up a blank draft, I pretty much lose everything I wanted to say. That’s not… Keep reading…Been there for awhile…

Not the same…

February and March are a weird time for me. A lot of people have trouble with this time of year, grappling for relief after a dark, miserable winter. For me it’s because of two defining moments in my life. February marked eight years since I got fired from the Toxic Shit Hole. March marks nine years since that first doctor appointment when I sobbed in an exam room in front of a doctor I’d just… Keep reading…Not the same…

Something you just can’t explain…

Sister Hazel hit in 1997 with All For You. (ZOMG Jett and Ryan and their long, flowy hair.) I remember the song getting a lot of airplay, and to a lesser degree I remember Change Your Mind. But it wasn’t until they released Chasing Daylight and Your Mistake that the switch really flipped and the band officially invaded my orbit. They’ve been a constant ever since. (And it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t point… Keep reading…Something you just can’t explain…

Are we faking this…

1.) The thing about getting a tetanus shot every ten years…you have plenty of time to forget how much they suck. Over a week later and I still have a nasty bruise and a welt from the shot. But now I don’t need another one until the year 2026. WHAT. 2.) I went in for my annual physical and came out with three more appointments. We got new insurance as of the first of the… Keep reading…Are we faking this…