Can’t remember all the details…

Writing is a weird beast. You’d think after two-thirds of my life, I’d learn to just roll with it, but it continually serves to boggle my mind. I get these elaborate essays built up in my head, but when I sit down to write it out, it’s just an epic disaster of incoherence. And…I think I just came up with a new tagline for my writing. Ahem. Anyway. I’m writing new things. And by “new”… Keep reading…Can’t remember all the details…

Over and under…

Writing is hard. I’m still in a bit of recovery mode after my mental meltdown over one single writing project. And while we’ve had a few moments of mild reprieve from gross summer weather, I’m still feeling the effects of SAD. Though I do have a little bit more of a handle on the anxiety that has been all-consuming now that I know where it’s been coming from. Getting back to writing after an inadvertent… Keep reading…Over and under…

The usual session…

If we’re being perfectly honest, I’ve been a colossal train wreck lately. No, no—more than usual. I’ve been struggling with some bad anxiety, which drives the depression to serious lows, which fuels the anxiety, which drives the depression, which…you get it. There are things that are easy to identify in terms of what’s causing the issues, but they are not the only things. And while Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a pretty safe assumption when I… Keep reading…The usual session…

The heart don’t listen…

…to words of wisdom I could never get myself to understand… I am in an extremely fortunate and privileged position in that I don’t have to work. (Not that my mental state is really in any condition to, but that’s a whole other discussion.) Bob has a good job that provides us with a comfortable income. We can pay our bills, save money, and budget for the things we want. He is okay with me… Keep reading…The heart don’t listen…

Lean in for a sweet ride…

I have eight-thousand-some-odd tracks in my iTunes library. And I have a few hundred CDs that have never been ripped to digital form. (When I condensed all of our physical media into a smaller space, I realized just how many albums I have that are not on my computer. It would take days to rip all of them.) And I’m always on the prowl for more. Never. Enough. Music. Even so, I have a habit… Keep reading…Lean in for a sweet ride…

Another perfect lie…

Conversations in Geek Love: You couldn’t have told me that nine years ago? R: Can I park there? What does that sign say? S: “Patients with children parking only.” R: Oh fine then. Whatever. S: If I have a kid, but don’t have them with me, can I still park there? Technically I’m a patient with a child. R: I think you need to have the kid with you. S: Whatever. Just because I don’t… Keep reading…Another perfect lie…