The rain will always follow…

Hey, how ’bout that Polar Vortex eh?


It’s normal to have sub-zero temperatures around here in the winter, but the fifty-below wind chills aren’t quite that common.

And ye gods it is effing cold.

And now, after three full days of DON’T GO OUTSIDE OR YOU’LL DIE, it’s going to be above freezing all weekend complete with RAIN. There is going to be a 60-degree difference in temperature in a matter of three days.

Because Minnesota.

But let me tell you, that 40-degree forecast is going to feel like fucking SUMMER, boy howdy.

January is over. It was a slog of a month, but also somehow flew by.

And now it’s February. Which means…I don’t know. Something.

The next installment of FFXIV Fan Festival is this weekend, which has the potential to bring more news about the forthcoming expansion, so The Bobs will be looking forward to that little tidbit of nerdery.

Alpha is pretty jazzed too.


Top 10 Most Played Artists for January 2019…

1.) Splender 404 plays

2.) Nine Days 363 plays

3.) Matt Nathanson 242 plays

4.) Toad The Wet Sprocket 183 plays

5.) Tonic 143 plays

6.) O.A.R. 92 plays

7.) Sister Hazel 56 plays

8.) Emerson Hart 39 plays

9.) Parachute 26 plays

10.) Guster 18 plays

Honorable mention: Gavin DeGraw, Genesis, Billy Joel

Total of 1,602 plays of 385 tracks from 65 albums by 31 artists.

Still Here
Nine Days

Something to say?