Pretty ain’t a job…

Week 20…

Five months…

I haven’t written a real blog post in a very long time.

By “real” I mean, a blog post with a lot of words for the sake of a blog post with a lot of words and not these snippet things that are just a lead-in to my monthly stats.

It’s not for lack of trying…mostly. I’ve started countless drafts that eventually ended up in the trash because it just didn’t work. For a short while it felt like I shouldn’t be writing some inane bullhonkey because the WHOLE GODDAMN WORLD IS ON FIRE, but that festering inferno ain’t going anywhere and my sanity ain’t coming back any time soon either so…what…?

I really want to write about writing. I MISS writing about writing. Especially because I’ve been writing. (I’m still not over last summer’s nightmare. [1|2]) It’s an absolute train wreck, but it’s been occupying my brain since December and this current monstrosity has tested me in ways few others have. There are so many incoherent thoughts to spill onto a page, but it just ain’t happening. Figures.

I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago for my annual physical and the List of Problems I Never Get Answers To. A few days before, my upper lip swelled up to twice its normal size for no discernible reason and then I broke out in hives every day after. The doctor (a new one, because my old one left…AGAIN) told me (A) FILL THE EPI-PEN PRESCRIPTION and (2) Take an OTC allergy med for a week to clear up the mystery histamine response. I took it for two weeks and after three days without—HIVES. ITCHY HIVES. WHAT IS THIS FRESH HELL.

But hey, I got the off-brand EPI-PEN this time so it only cost me $110 instead of $600. It’s still not covered by insurance, but the one that is, is still $300 out of pocket so I got a bargain on that one. It will likely (hopefully—Who wants to actually need their EPI-PEN FFS?) be added to the other one that is sitting four years expired in a drawer. Someday I’ll get rid of all of the expired and failed prescriptions that I’ve spent a fuckton of money on that are just sitting in a storage bin because you’re not supposed to just throw them in the trash and actually going somewhere to get rid of them is not high on my priority list.

Also, I dropped a full bottle of vitamin water on the side of my foot and now there is a very nice bruise to look at.


This is not a real blog post.

This is just a lead-in to my monthly stats.


Top 10 Most Played Artists for July 2020…

1.) Tonic 335 plays

2.) Fall Out Boy 312 plays

3.) Panic! at the Disco 219 plays

4.) The Young Veins 192 plays

5.) Toad The Wet Sprocket 179 plays

6.) The Monkees 157 plays

7.) The Killers 155 plays

8.) O.A.R. 143 plays

9.) Billy Joel 137 plays

10.) Splender 106 plays

Honorable mention: Brandon Flowers, Nine Days, Matt Nathanson, Parachute, Elton John, Emerson Hart, Ryan Ross, 2AM Club, Evan & Jaron, Survivor, Epic Hero, Foo Fighters

Total of 2,429 plays of 783 tracks from 110 albums by 27 artists.

The Young Veins

Something to say?