Ain’t no way around it…

Here we are in the throes of WEEK 24.

But really, who’s counting anymore?


Everybody is counting.

Or maybe it’s just me.


1.) Insomnia is back with a vengeance lately. It may or may not have something to do with the fact that last week and this week Bob has had to go into work to cover support for someone who is out on vacation and those duties can’t be done remotely and while his company is purportedly being strict about pandemic rules, it stresses me the fuck out that he’s not home. I’m very well aware how lucky we are he still has a job and he can mostly work from home, but I don’t trust other people. Like, at all.

2.) We got new phones. There were multiple factors that led to this particular move at this particular time. The price tag was painful and setting up a new device is a royal pain in the ass. (And so are all the “SOMEBODY IS TOUCHING YOUR ACCOUNT” alerts from Google.) But we’ve been having fun with all the new features we just didn’t have on our old phones. And the phone camera is better than my actual camera. But still…price tag.

3.) Jury duty…not at all what I expected. In that I didn’t actually have to set foot in the courthouse. I had to call in every day for two weeks, only to hear the message NO jurors should report but call back tomorrow because rules. Listen, I ain’t complaining. I was DREADING having to go, navigate parking, the courthouse, metal detectors, and stupid people who don’t know what the fuck SIX FEET APART actually means. And now I don’t have to serve again. At least not for another four years.

4.) I got a new keyboard. AGAIN. I just got one a few months ago because my old one got fried by my external USB hub. I loved that keyboard. So I got the same model in hopes of keeping the relationship alive. But that one did not perform the same at all. Too many dropped keystrokes that made for a shitton of typos—no-no, more than usual—and kinda fucked things up whilst playing video games. I did consider that maybe I just got a lemon and another of the same model would turn out better, but I decided to try a different brand entirely. It’s still (sort of) chicklet style, but definitely not slim like the other one. But it’s backlit in a pretty rainbow and the keys are very quiet. I’m still not used to typing on it, because it always takes me a long time to adjust to a new keyboard, but I’m hoping this one lasts. PLEASE. I’M TIRED OF REPLACING TECHNOLOGY.

5.) Temperatures are finally dropping out of the 80’s and next week are supposed to dip into the 60’s and I CAN NOT FUCKING WAIT FOR THE HELLSCAPE OF SUMMER TO BE OVER.

6.) The Killers put out a new album. It’s been on heavy rotation. And every time I go to Youtube it’s all, “Hey, you wanna watch this video again?” and I’m all, “YES, yes I do.”

7.) There was a stretch of about five days when wasn’t running and that was five days of no recording my listening habits and that irritates me far more than it really should, so my numbers for August are off. (It was mostly plays of the new Killers album.)


Top 10 Most Played Artists for August 2020…

1.) The Killers 409 plays

2.) Fall Out Boy 390 plays

3.) The Young Veins 304 plays

4.) Billy Joel 211 plays

5.) Gavin DeGraw 189 plays

6.) Matt Nathanson 143 plays

7.) Brandon Flowers 134 plays

8.) Tonic 114 plays

9.) Splender 107 plays

10.) Panic! at the Disco 103 plays

Honorable mention: Parachute, Sara Bareilles, The Monkees, O.A.R., Toad The Wet Sprocket, Graham Colton, Nine Days, Elton John

Total of 2,594 plays of 792 tracks from 92 albums by 20 artists.

Dying Breed
The Killers

Something to say?